Thursday, January 8, 2009

Make Money Online While Attending College

So you want to write. You see the dollar signs. Writing is the true way to make money while attending college. Online careers, where you make money online, are the best form of making money in college. Real money. So how can you make money online while attending college? You stop going for the single digits ($7 or $8 an hours) and start using the talents you’ve learned as a student. You could, for example, be a writer or create a blog. As a student, you can find time to write online articles. This guide tells you exactly how to make money online by writing-with a focus on college students.

Manage time:
So you like what I am saying. Sure, you can put together an online career, you might be saying, by using up the only two hours you have free in the day by writing. Two hours isn’t enough to build a work from home online career. Right?
Actually, there are better ways to manage time, better ways to make money online. You will need to look at time as money. You will need to see this as a building process. Taking a college course doesn’t mean it will be easy to make money online; you will have to manage your time better than even the “normal” 9 to 5 workers. Time is valuable. It means getting up early and staying up late. It may mean forgoing one or two college courses so you can truly work from home when you finish college. This is all about preparation.

Developing Connections:
They say connections are false, that you don’t need connections to do things like make money online or work from home. Well, it sounds nice to say there is no need for connections. However, by connections I don’t mean knowing someone who knows someone who wants a horror novel or a comedy screenplay. It means branching out and meeting other writers. Meet other online career minded people. Join online writing groups on places like Yahoo! Groups. These small connections will lead to work from home jobs.

Go for the Small Victories:

I haven’t told you how to do it yet-to truly make money online. Here it is: in the beginning, go for the small victories. For instance, you could be writing ads for paid blogging sites, which is a lucrative work from home career, given time. Or, just to keep food in the fridge, you write short articles for $5-10 apiece. In the beginning, you need experience. So write for the sites where you know you can profit from, but also use on your resume.
There is a misconception that content sites-sites where you sell and publish articles-are a waste of time. For the beginning college writer trying to work from home, they can be a perfect beginning. You likely won’t be able to jump into the lucrative paid blogging world immediately, or charge high rates for online articles. But you will … very soon.

Look for the Big Victories:
To get the big bucks working from home you will need to start looking for the big victories soon. Take a breath and start searching. The internet changes-and you must change with it. It’s time to do things like put the footwork in to find ways to make money online. One popular way is blogging, where you can prove your worth, retain rights to articles, and write just about anything you want while getting paid for it. Some top content sites will provide you with crucial experience for an online career. For example, Demand Studios is a growing media outlet where many writers are doing more than making money online-they are building resumes.

Blogging Income:
To make money online, in the second stage, blogging should be a part of it. This work from home career allows you the most freedom. Sites like,, and will pay you to write ads for them. Often this isn’t the best way to make money online, but it is a part of building an online career. In the beginning, it will be low pay. In the middle, it could be a career. By the end, it could be a dream.

Job Hunting:

Always keep searching for new writing jobs. Some sites will stop accepting articles or will no longer be a route to paid blogging. So keep searching and looking for new venues to sell your words. Writing is the most honest way to make money online, as writers are needed for many websites on the internet. There are dozens of places to find work from home jobs across the net. If you want a career in online writing, it will take a lot of searching. However, as the online world is growing, the more you publish the more you will be sought after-and the higher you will be paid. That is the beauty of an online career.

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